Monday, August 24, 2009


=> this is not from internet wikipedia
ok spacey spacey spacey
there are more info about space with me(I am NOT bragging).

in the left hand top left-hand side is the cartwheel galaxy.

then in the top right-hand side is the irregural galaxy.

then the bottom left hand side is the elliptical galaxy.

at last the spiral galaxy is at the bottom right-hand side
(mercury got singlish hor...)
mercury... closest to the sun
being first in line may not always be a good thing. Mercury, the planet closest to the sun, faces its fierce heat. Unlike earth, mercury does not have an atmosphere of gases surrounding it. Without an atmosphere, sound cannot travel one hor,and the tempreture can be ah belly belly low hor about ah -200C or belly belly high(430C) you must know one hor. so ah on mercury ah, you would either freeze or be roasted, and no one will hear you screem... scary hor...
venus... The Hottest Planet
venus is our closest neighbour and the brightest object in sky, aftwe the sun and moon. venus is also the hottest planet in the solar system that is about 480C, even though it is not the nearest to the sun! this is because venus is covered with thick clouds made up of carbon dioxide and poisonous sulphuric acid gas, which trap heat from the sun.
mars... the red planet
mars is a cold(-120C)and dusty place made up of orange-red rocks. mars has ice caps on its north and south poles, just like our earth. what is unusual about mars is its pink sky. the sky on mars looks pink because of the strong winds that blow up red dust into its air.
jupiter...the largest planet
jupiter is a huge planet. it has 3 times more mass than all the other 8 planets in the solar system put together. another unique feature of jupiter is its 'great red spot',which is actually a huge strom that has been raging for more than about 300 years.
the planet of the rings
saturn is one of the most beautiful objects in the night sky when seen through a telescope. it is surrounded by many many rings that look like hula hoops! the rings are actually made up of small chunks of icy rock
uranus...the tilied blue planet
uranus is an odd ball. do you know why? well, it is the only planet that spins or rotates on its side, unlike all other planets that spin more or less upright!
the windy blue and the last planet
neptune looks like uranus. both planets are large blue-green balls of gases. neptune is cold(-200C) than uranus (-209C) and is very windy. neptune is described as the 8th planet from the sun.
is there a 9th planet in our solar system?
some scientists claim that sedna is a planet, while other say that it is too small to be considered a planet. what do you think???
NASA stands for National Aeronautics and Space Administration in USA
signing out,

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